Leucothoe axillaris curly red
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Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red® - Fürtöshanga. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red® - Fürtöshanga 3.390 Ft (ejtsd: leukotö akszillárisz) Szállítási méret: 10-20 cm magas Kiszerelés: 2 literes kertészeti konténerben Közeg: tőzegtartalmú, tápanyagban dús földkeverék Egész évben ültethető! Védett tartalom Ültetés 12 pontban Kiszállítás saját teherautóval Magyarország. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red (Coastal Dog Hobble) - Gardenia. Noted for its striking curling leaves, Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red (Coastal Dog Hobble) is an evergreen shrub prized for its thick, shiny, leathery, gracefully twisted leaves changing color throughout the seasons. Emerging orange-red, the leaves mature to a dark green before turning scarlet-red in the fall and purple in winter.. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red PBR - RHS Gardening. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red PBR dog hobble Curly Red An evergreen, spreading, low-growing shrub with undivided, thick, curling and puckered leaves to 5cm long, that are reddish in the spring, green in summer and red in autumn and winter.. Széleslevelű Fürtöshanga (Leucothoë axillaris) gondozása, szaporítása. A széleslevelű fürtöshanga alacsony termetének köszönhetően ideális talajtakaró szerepet tölthet be a nagyobb fák alatti árnyas területeken. Végső magassága kb. 1-1,2 m, de különleges, csavart levelű változatai (pl. Curly Red) ennél lényegesen alacsonyabbak, s akár balkonládában is nevelhetők.. How to Grow and Care for Coast Leucothoe - The Spruce. Here are the main care requirements for growing a coast leucothoe: Grows best in USDA zone 6 to 9; it can grow in USDA zone 5 if protected from wind and given a layer of mulch. Prefers partial sun but can grow in full sun in cooler climates and full shade in sunnier places; it does not like extremes—hot or cold.. BBC - Gardening: Plant Finder - Leucothoe. Curly Red is an unusual new variety with curled foliage that turns bright red during the cold winter months. It makes an excellent plant for winter containers, where it looks good with.. Leucothoe axillaris CURLY RED® - Havlis.cz. Curly Red® grows slowly into a compact, low plant of rounded shape. Its main feature are gracefully curled, very glossy leaves. Their colour is light green as they emerge, maturing to deep green. In autumn they change to deep purple-red at the leaf margins and overall deep burgundy red from winter until mid-spring.. Leucothoe (Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red) - Garden.org. Plant database entry for Leucothoe (Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red) with 6 images and 32 data details.. Leucothoe Curly Red - PlantHaven International. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red was found in 1996 as a sport of the variety Zeblid, and is a special leucothoe with curling leaves in different colors throughout the seasons. During Autumn leaves are red, and in early winter they become purple. As the plant is very hardy, the thick, leathery leaves keep their color during the winter.. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red - COAST LEUCOTHOE - Rainy Side. Origin: Garden Plant Group: Shrubs Hardiness: Sunset zones: 4-7, 15-17. USDA zones: 6-9. Heat zones: 9-6. Mature size: Height: 18 inches (45 cm). Width: 18 inches (45 cm). Flowering period: Spring to early summer. Flowering attributes: Short, axillary racemes with white, urn-shaped flowers. Leaf attributes:. Leucothoe Axillaris Guide: How to Grow & Care for "Coast . - GardenBeast. The botanical name of Coast Leucothoe is Leucothoe Axillaris. Other popular names for this evergreen shrub include Coastal Dog Hobble "Curly Red", Swamp Dog-Laurel "Curly Red", and Leucothoe "Curly Red". Coast Leucothoe is an excellent addition to any outdoor space, being able to fulfil multiple purposes.. Achselblütige Traubenheide Curly Red - Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red .. Zum Ende des Winters und mit steigenden Temperaturen zeigt sich erneut Grün. Der niedrige Strauch ist auch als Achselblütige Traubenheide bekannt. Er wächst langsam und ist ein schöner Begleiter zu Moorbeetpflanzen. Eine Gruppe der Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red entwickelt sich in wenigen Jahren zu einem dichten Teppich.. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red - Shoot. Curly Red is a compact, mound-forming or spreading, evergreen shrub with glossy, twisted leaves, orange-red in spring, dark green in summer, turning scarlet in autumn and reddish-purple by winter. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red - Shoot. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red | plant lust. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red : A slow growing broadleaf evergreen shrub with red and green foliage and cream flowers in spring. It contributes glossy texture to the garden. Attractive to bees. To grow well, it prefers mostly sun - mostly shade and even moisture - occasional water. Grows best in well-drained, rich, acidic, average and gritty .. Leucothoe axillaris CURLY RED® - Havlis.cz. Leucothoe axillaris CURLY RED®leukotoe. Leucothoe jsou u nás novějším druhem, který si získává stále více obdivovatelů. Jedná se o nízké, stálezelené keře s tužšími listy a vyhovující mrazuvzdorností. Odrůda Curly Red® pochází z holandského Boskoopu, kde se - jako je tomu u většiny nových rostlin - objevila .
Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red plants | Thompson & Morgan. Leucothoe Curly Red has attractive, crimped and curled glossy foliage, turning deep red in autumn. Plants are highly sought after, and should take pride of place in your garden. Leucothoe may look exotic and difficult to grow, but plants are hardy, and are ideal for shady borders with acid soil.. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red - Leucothoé au feuillage crispé contrasté. Description. Le Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red ou Leucothoë walteri Curly Red est un arbuste de petite taille, semi-persistant, offrant un feuillage très contrasté, dabord rouge pourpre au débourrement puis vert foncé ensuite. Il viendra habiller les zones ombragées de votre jardin.egfr labor vizsgálat
. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red® Pflanze, Pflege & Tipps Floragard. Beschreibung Die Traubenheide Curly Red® ist ein interessanter, immergrüner Zwergstrauch, der sich nach einem roten Austrieb mit dunkelgrünem Blattwerk präsentiret. Das einzelne Blatt ist dabei lanzettlich mit gezähntem Rand. Zum Jahresende zeigt das Laubgehölz noch einmal Farbe, wenn die Blätter sich im Winter in Purpurrot färben.. Growing A Leucothoe Bush: Learn About Types Of Leucothoe. Leucothoe axillaris is a fairly small bush and show off in a rockery, foundation plant or on slopes.; Girards Rainbow (Leucothoe fontanesiana) has white, pink, and bronze new growth.Leucothoe racemosa native species found from Massachusetts down to Louisiana, is one of the more cold tolerant forms and has 4-inch (10 cm.) long racemes of drooping, scented flowers from May through June.. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red - Unique Twisted Evergreen Foliage. Buy this shrub online and enjoy its curling leaves that change from red to green and back to red again. It is easy to grow, hardy and can bloom with white flowers in Spring.. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red - Druifheide: verzorging en snoei. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red is een compacte heester met gekruld blad dat in de herfst roodpaars wordt. De plant bloeit met witte bloemen in mei en juni en staat graag in de zon of halfschaduw.
Curly Red Leucothoe | Spring Hill Nurseries. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red PP17666 For a more dynamic garden appearance, consider adding small and medium-sized shrubbery. Available in a wide range of colors, heights and habits, ornamental shrubs add another layer of natural beauty to the landscape and provide a lovely backdrop to flowering bulbs, perennials and annuals.. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red - DRUIFHEIDE - Willaert. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red - DRUIFHEIDE - Leucothoe axillaris curly red is een middelgrote brede en bossige groenblijvende heester. Hij bloeit in mei met onopvallende geurige witte bloempjes maar schittert voornamelijk door zijn sierlijk gekrulde glanzende bladeren die eerst rood zijn, later groen worden en in de herfst mooi roodpaars verkleuren.. How to Plant and Grow Leucothoe - Better Homes & Gardens. Take 4- to 6-inch cuttings from new growth and remove the lower leaves. Moisten high-quality potting soil and fill small containers. Using a pencil or dibble, make a hole for each cutting. Dip the base of the stem in a rooting hormone and place one in each hole, firming the soil around it.. Leucothoe axillaris Twisting Red™ - plant lust. Leucothoe axillaris Twisting Red™: A slow growing evergreen shrub with red and green foliage and white flowers in spring. It contributes glossy texture to the garden. To grow well, it prefers bright shade - mostly shade and even moisture - regular water. Similar to Curly Red but with smaller leaves and deeper coloring. Cute .. Leukote ´CURLY RED´ 20-25 cm - Stromčekovo.sk. Leucothoe patria k novším druhom rastlín, ktorý si získava stále viac obdivovateľov.Jedná sa o nízke, stálezelené kry s tuhšími listami a mrazuvzdornosťou zvládajúcou i slovenské zimy. Curly Red® je kompaktný nízky ker, ktorého hlavným atribútom sú pôvabné, kučeravé, veľmi lesklé listy. Rašia v sviežozelených farbách, zrejú v tmavozelenú a na jeseň sa .. Plantes de terre de bruyère - Le Jardin de Pascal. Balcon, terrasse, petit ou grand jardin, votre espace ne pourra pas se passer de la beauté reconnue des plantes de terre de bruyère. Azalées, rhododendrons, magnolias, hortensias, camélias, pieris, érable du Japon… sont parmi les plus belles plantes de nos massifs. La diversité des floraisons et des feuillages contribue à rendre votre .. Leukothoe Curly Red - Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red | Zahradnictví FLOS. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red. Jedná se o stálezelený kompaktní kulovitý keř, dorůstající výšky 0,3-0,4 m. Odrůda byla objevena v roce 2003 v Holandsku. Drobné, zvlněné listy jsou při rašení světle zelené, s postupem času tmavnou. Na podzim se barví…. Vše o produktu. Tento produkt nelze momentálně zakoupit.. How to Grow and Care for Your Rainbow Leucothoe - The Garden Helper. Leucothoe have a tendency to grow a little spindly after a year or two, but pruning will help create a bushier, neater appearing plant. Pruning can be done at any time of the year, but it is best to prune in late winter or early spring, before new growth begins. Plants will quickly spring back if they are cut back hard to 18".. identification - My plant is drying and dying. What should I do .. In terms of ID for the plant, its difficult to be certain because its nearly dead, but it could be Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red - it has pinkish red new growth in spring, which then turns plain green. It also produces small white flowers in spring. If it is/was that, Leucothoe does not like to dry out; it prefers damp but well drained soil .. Dog Hobble, Leucothoe Curly Red - Daves Garden. Dog Hobble, Leucothoe Curly Red Leucothoe axillarisiphone xs max hátlap
. Upload Image Print Version Upload Image Print Version Family Ericaceae (er-ek-AY-see-ee) Info. Genus Leucothoe (loo-KOH-thoh-ee .
asics outlet
. Leucothoe axillaris - Plant Database. Leucothoe axillaris Coast Leucothoe, Dog-hobble Ericaceae
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. Expand. Habitat: native to Virginia down through Florida; hardy to zone 6 and warmer parts of 5; . stems mix of green and red ; glabrous and shiny; zigzag stem pattern; Culture: prefers moist, cool, acid soils ; best in partial shade ;. A Fantastic Evergreen Shrub for Winter Interest: Leucothoes - Karen Hugg
agyagozó készlet
. Leucothoe fontanesiana Rainbow. This leucothoe is an oldie but a goodie, sporting red stems and buds, green-yellow marbled leaves, and deep maroon edging. It grows densely in a tall drooping mound. It likes to flourish under trees in dappled light. Rainbow can grow to an immense size at five feet wide and tall, but its worth it.. Leucothoe Axillaris Curly Red Twisted Leaf Evergreen - Paramount Plants. Leucothoe Axillaris Curly Red is a hard-working evergreen shrub whose eye-catching foliage will provide garden interest year-round. Its an excellent addition to your garden, whether large or small. Native to the mountains of the south-east United States, Leucothoe Axillaris Curly Red has adapted well to the conditions in the UK. In early .. Leucothoe - Growing Guide - Burncoose Nurseries. Growing Leucothoe fontanesiana
Commonly known as Switch Ivy. This evergreen shrub originates from mountainous regions of the south east USA. It has been grown in the UK since 1793 and, in one form or another, is a common sight in gardens as well as in municipal and supermarket plantings. Its use in public places is because this is a .. Leucothoe Curly Red® - Hardy plant - Bakker.com. Leucothoe is a pretty, ornamental shrub that makes great ground cover. A slow grower, it is particularly suitable in a planter on the patio or decking. The decorative twigs of Leucothoe Curly Red add the finishing touches to any bouquet. Height supplied approx. 25 cm, pot size Ø 17 cm.. Buy Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red (Dog Hobble) in the UK. 2-3 Litre pot. Berberis Admiration. In stock. £9.99. 2-3 Litre pot. Buy Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red (Dog Hobble) online from Jacksons Nurseries. Guaranteed best value, low prices, fast delivery, special offers.. Leucothoe Curly Red - PlantHaven International. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red was found in 1996 as a sport of the variety Zeblid, and is a special leucothoe with curling leaves in different colors throughout the seasons. During Autumn leaves are red, and in early winter they become purple. As the plant is very hardy, the thick, leathery leaves keep their color during the winter.garázs építés kalkulátor
. Leucothoe keiskei &Royal Ruby& | Shrubs/RHS Gardening. Leucothoe. keiskei. Royal Ruby. Small, evergreen shrub about 60cm tall, with arching, red-tinged stems producing glossy, dark green lance-shaped leaves, the new leaves a rich ruby-red in spring and flushed purplish-red in winter
Urn-shaped white flowers 1cm long are produced in short racemes near the ends of young shoots in midsummer.. Leukotoja (Leucothoe axillaris) - Plantea. Karakteristike. Leukotoja ( Leucothoe axillaris (Lam.) D. Don) je zimzelena biljka iz porodice vrijsova ( Ericaceae ). Grmolikog je rasta, dobro razgranat, visok do 200 cm. Listovi su jednostavni, naizmjenični, ovalni, tamnozeleni, kožasti, malo ušiljeni, nazubljenih rubova, u početku kovrčavi, dugi do 8 cm, u jesen poprimaju tamnocrvenu boju.. Coast Leucothoe, Leucothoe axillaris, Monrovia Plant. Coast Leucothoe, Small evergreen shrub displays leathery, rich green leaves on upright spreading branches. Urn-shaped flowers in short clusters appear from the . Leucothoe axillaris. Pronunciation: loo-KOTH-o-ee. SKU #05770. USDA Zone. 5-8. Your climate might be too cold for this plant: Change Location. Find In Store. Add To Wishlist. OVERVIEW.. Leucothoe axillaris &Royal Ruby& | Shrubs/RHS Gardening. Leucothoe. axillaris. Royal Ruby. Small, evergreen shrub about 60cm tall, with arching, red-tinged stems producing glossy, dark green lance-shaped leaves, the new leaves a rich ruby-red in spring and flushed purplish-red in winter. Urn-shaped white flowers 1cm long are produced in short racemes near the ends of young shoots in midsummer.. Leucothoe axillaris | Landscape Plants | Oregon State University. Flowers urn-shaped, white or pinkish white, borne in drooping clusters (2.5-7.5 cm) in leaf axilsFruit a small 5-lobed capsule, inconspicuous. Sun in cooler climates, or part shade. Attractive in masses. Appearance is similar to that of Lfontanesiana, but generally shorter and broader. Several cultivars available.. Garden Plant of the Month for October: Leucothoe. Leucothoe is in the spotlight in October as the Garden Plant of the Month. Garden Plant of the Month is an initiative by Thejoyofplants.co.uk. Growers and horticultural specialists from the floriculture sector select a garden plant every month at the request of Thejoyofplants.co.uk in order to inspire and enthuse. The fantastic foliage .. Leucothoe Curly Red keep dying off on me : Grows on You. Leucothoe Curly Red keep dying off on me. I had a cluster of 3 small plants originally from 2 litre type pots, and a larger plant from a 3 litre pot, which have all shown the same type of dieback. They had come variously from 2 different garden centres and a friends garden, and while the smaller plants were planted in partial shade in stoney .. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Gold - Shoot. Exposure. Sheltered. Plant match details will appear here. Curly Gold is a compact, mound-forming to rounded, evergreen shrub with glossy, curled leaves, orange-red when young and turning golden-yellow then yellow-green with age. Clusters of small, urn-shaped, white flowers bloom in spring.. Leukothoe | Zahradnictví FLOS. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red Leukothoe. momentálně nelze zakoupit. Aktuálně tuto rostlinu nemáme skladem. Máme však podobné rostliny. Zobrazit podobné rostlinypoliamid rúd
. Leukothoe Red Lips Leucothoe axillaris Red Lips Leukothoe. momentálně nelze zakoupit.. Leucothoe Red Curl|dog hobble Curly Red/RHS Gardening. Leucothoe Red Curl dog hobble Curly Red An evergreen, spreading, low-growing shrub with undivided, thick, curling and puckered leaves to 5cm long, that are reddish in the spring, green in summer and red in autumn and winter. Clusters of small, white urn-shaped flowers appear in spring.. Garden Plant of the Month for October: Leucothoe. The fantastic foliage shrub Leucothoe is a beauty in the garden, on the patio or balcony. Beautifully coloured leaves bring life to the garden - particularly in autumn and winter - and shines both on its own and when combined with plants such as Skimmia, ling heather or checkerberry
tuti falatozó
. The garden plant of the month for October certainly makes an impact with its eye-catching appearance!. PDF USOOPP30821P2 ( 12 ) United States Plant Patent ( 10 ) Patent No . : US .. 10 Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red ( U . S
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. Plant Pat . No . The new cultivar was discovered by the Inventor in spring 17 , 666 ) , Leucothoe hybrid Little Flames ( U . S . Plant Pat . of 2013 as a found seedling growing in a container at a No . 25 , 246 ) and typical plants of Leucothoe fontanesiana nursery in Elmer , N .. Leucothoe fontanesiana - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. It is native to the Southeast and grows 3 to 6 feet tall. This plant is naturally found in very wet places such as ravines and streambanks and is frequently associated with Rhododendron maximum thickets. The genus name Leucothoe comes from Greek mythology, being one of the maidens loved by Apollo.. How to Grow Leucothoe Keiskei Burning Love - Plant Care & Tips. Related plant: Leucothoe Axillaris Curly Red. Planting Process. For leucothoe keiskei burning love, first step is to find a good location. It should be in an area with partial sun and well-drained soil. Prepare the soil by mixing in some organic matter such as compost or manure. Next, dig a hole that is twice the width and depth of the plant s .. Coastal Leucothoe Plant Info: How To Grow Coastal Leucothoe Plants .. By Becca Badgett. published September 11, 2021. Reaching two to four feet (0.6 to 1.2 m.) in height in most areas, Coastal leucothoe plants grow in soil that is moist and acidic. Theyre found in places such as swamps and nutrient deficient pocosins (raised bogs). This attractive shrub is just one of a family of North American natives that .. Leucothoe axillaris CURLY RED ® - leucothoe - zahrada-cs.com. Rostliny: Leucothoe axillaris CURLY RED® - leucothoe. Leucothoe jsou u nás novějším druhem, který si získává stále více obdivovatelů. Jedná se o nízké, stálezelené keře s tužšími listy a vyhovující mrazuvzdorností. Odrůda Curly Red ® pochází z holandského Boskoopu, kde se - jako je tomu u většiny nových .. Buy Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red affordable | Gardens4you.ie. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red P17. Pot plant. Pot size plant Ø 17cm. 1 plant. Deliveryheight incl. pot 40-60 cm. €14.95. Stock 29. A12753.. イワナンテン属 (Leucothoe) 花言葉,毒性,よくある質問 - PictureThis. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Redはアジアやアメリカ大陸に分布する植物で、湿った場所を好み、花期になると鈴なりの白い小さな花を咲かせます。全種に有毒成分を含むため注意が必要です。 Leucothoe davisiae .. Leucothoe axillaris Twisting Red (Opstal20PBR)/RHS Gardening. Leucothoe axillaris Twisting Red (Opstal20PBR) Compact, evergreen shrub about 1m tall with small, twisted dark green leaves, dark red when young then purplish-red in winter. Small, urn-shaped white flowers are produced in short racemes from the leaf axils, in late spring.. Leucothoe fontanesiana (Dog Hobble) - Gardenia. Leucothoe fontanesiana (Dog Hobble) is a graceful, fountain-like, evergreen shrub prized for its gracefully arching stems. They are clad with glossy, lance-shaped leaves, 3-6 in. long (7-15 cm), with widespread serrate margins. Often emerging bronzy or reddish, the foliage matures to dark green as the season progresses before turning bronze to purplish in winter.. Leucothoe axillaris - Wikipedia. Leucothoe axillaris is a shrub native to the southeastern United States, with the common names swamp dog-laurel and coastal dog-hobble.It has been reported from Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North and South Carolina and Virginia.It grows on floodplains in coastal areas at elevations of less than 200 m (660 ft). Leucothoe axillaris is a branching shrub up to 2 m (7 ft) tall.. Leucothoe | Fetterbush - Wilson Bros Gardens. Curly Red Leucothoe - 1 Gallon Pot. FREE SHIPPING. Temporarily Out of Stock. Click button below to get on the Waiting List! (0) . Rejoyce Coast Leucothoe (Leucothoe axillaris) - 3 Gallon Pot. NEW ON 10/15/2023. IN STOCK (0) Sizes & Prices. Rejoyce Coast Leucothoe (Leucothoe axillaris) - 1 Gallon Pot .. Twisting Red Leucothoe (Fetterbush) - 1 Gallon Pot - Wilson Bros Gardens. Twisting Red Leucothoe (Fetterbush) - 1 Gallon Pot; A color and texture delight in the landscape, the Twisting Red Leucothoe is a rare selection of dwarf fetterbush that is similar to Curly Red but with smaller leaves and deeper coloring. The 18 to 24 inch tall and wide evergreen mound is densely packed with twisting and curling leaves .. Leucothoe Scarletta - Shoot. Variety or Cultivar. Scarletta is a spreading, evergreen shrub with leathery, oblong to lance-shaped leaves, reddish-purple when young, maturing dark green, and turning reddish-bronze in autumn and winter
. Racemes of cylindrical or urn-shaped, white flowers bloom in spring.. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red - www.zahrada-online.sk. Leucothoe axillaris Curly Red Leucothoe sú u nás novším druhom, ktorý si získava stále viac obdivovateľov. Jedná sa o nízke, vždyzelené kríky s tuhšími listami a vyhovujúcou mrazuvzdornosťou. Odroda Curly Red pochádza z holandského Boskoopu, kde sa - ako je tomu u väčšiny nových rastlín - objavila náhodne Prvýkrát bola predstavená v roku 2003 a stala sa .. Cornus alternifolia Golden Shadows® (Pagoda Dogwood) - Gardenia. Plant Type and Habit: It is a deciduous shrub or small tree with a layered, tiered habit that offers a unique, almost pagoda-like appearance. Size: The Golden Shadows cultivar usually grows to be 10 to 12 feet (300-360 cm) tall and wide, which is more compact than the native species. Flowers: The plant features delicate clusters of small, star .. Leucothoe Firestar - Shoot. Sheltered. Plant match details will appear here. Firestar is a spreading, evergreen shrub bearing leathery, oblong to lance-shaped, dark green leaves with cream to pale yellow margins, red to maroon when young, and racemes of cylindrical or urn-shaped, white flowers in spring.. Hydrangea Zebra from Burncoose Nurseries. HYDRANGEA Zebra and LEUCOTHOE axillaris Curly Red LEUCOTHOE axillaris Curly Red Dog hobble Useful extras. Fertilisers & Feeds - Vitax. Q4 Pelleted Fertiliser. A useful fertiliser suitable for use on a wide variety of plants. Q4 provides all the nutrients and trace elements essential for vigorous growth, abundant flowering and ripening ..